Mission of Crane Skills Training Academy International Inspires
Technical And Life-Long Learning Offering Relevant And Accessible
Education In A Collaborative Culture Dedicated To Inquiry, Results And
Excellence Thus Achieving Career Goals
Our students
To provide students with the best possible learning experiences by offering new opportunities for experiential learning, fostering greater mobility within the post-secondary system and ensuring all necessary supports are in place.
Our people
To capitalize on the vast experiences and expertise of our people and
help they make the best possible contribution towards the student
Our business
To be prudent stewards of all resources so that we are financially
responsible, demonstrate good governance and are system leaders in
making decisions that support outstanding teaching and learning.
Our community
To ensure the college, in all its actions and decisions, is
contributing to the economic and social prosperity of our communities.
Build pathways
Remove barriers to college education.
Create connections that raise personal aspirations of students and enable them to achieve their aspirations.
Develop and renew programs.
Learning assured
Create optimal conditions for student learning.
Partner with students to improve their contribution to achieving their potential.
Close achievement gaps.
Investing each other
Strengthen our collaborative institutional culture to foster deep stewardship of our work.
Support the professional development, career growth and healthy lives of crane skills training academy’s employees
Partner with the community
Cooperate with community partners in meeting students’ needs and college goals.
Involve the college in meeting the community’s needs and goals
Crane skills training academy international is the premier post-secondary destination for students who succeed in a dynamic and supportive learning environment thus learners develop the professional and personal skills required to realize meaningful careers and make a difference in the world.
We value people. We:
Treat people with integrity and respect
Empower and encourage risk taking
Celebrate commitment, contribution and accomplishments
Promote health and wellness.
We value learning. We:
Foster creativity, innovation and critical thought
Encourage growth, development and lifelong learning
Build on the diversity of our learners, employees and partners
We value our role in the community. We:
Display Leadership and Responsibility for Our Outcomes
Partner to Achieve Community Goals
We value the quality of the processes we use in reaching our goals. We:
Demonstrate a learner-centred approach
Set clear expectations, measure results and demonstrateaccountability
Promote teamwork, cooperation and sharing throughout the college
Follow fair process in accomplishing our objectives
Our values drive our organizational culture and behaviour in delivering our vision and mission.